According to Federal Law No. 12,852 (Youth Statute) and No. 12,933/2013, students from public or private institutions in elementary, high school, college, post-graduate, adult education programs, preparatory schools and vocational training courses have the benefit of half-price entrance tickets. For purchase, pickup and access to the event, it is MANDATORY to present the National Student ID Card (DNE), valid for the current school year and the original ID Card (RG) or a certified copy.
Request for a student document on the website
The official card of the educational institution itself is accepted as long as it contains a photo, expiration date and the name of the institution. In the case of e-ID cards, they must also contain this data and must be accessed on the moment on the institution's application. Prints, photos and proof of enrollment will not be valid as proof for granting half-price privileges.
Attention: Only national documents are valid, people who are students outside of Brazil do not qualify for the student half-price benefit.